Sunday 18 November 2012

Age, Trends and Fads (II)

Trends and fads are different (Feldon 2000). “Trends are general directions in mood and shape – as in trend toward romanticism, minimalism, or more narrow silhouettes” (ibid, 121), whereas fads “are like little bleeps on the trend graph” (ibid,121), they are temporary snippets of the broad concept (ibid). For example, skin tight clothing and stiletto heels are the snippets of the narrower silhouette trend (ibid).
According to Australia’s fashion designer Jayson Brunsdon “trends come from all over the place...Politics, the economy, people, films, art movements,” (Markezic Dec 2008, 104). Below is a copy of an article by Emma Markezic about the birth of a trend from the awesome fashion magazine Shop Til You Drop December 2008.
When it comes to trends apparently the younger you are, that is before and during puberty, the more you can get away with the latest trend (Feldon 2000). Theoretically your twenties is your mellowing-out phase, when "dressing like everyone else is not crucial to survival or even desirable" (Feldon 2000, 120). While during your thirties, your tastes are more sophisticated, unique and creative (ibid). Going into your forties, there is a natural convergence of who you are and what you wear in your style (ibid). From your fifties and onward, you just enjoy your well-earned style confidence and flair (ibid).
Trends will come and go, but style can be timeless so invest very sparingly on fads and you should only buy key trends that suit your body shape and personal taste. “Sophisticated dressing has a natural quality – there’s a certain effortless elegance to it. A look that has everything – the right fabrics, great proportions and beautiful elements in design will all marry in perfect harmony...It’s about buying clothes that you love which has a timeless sense of beauty,” says fashion designer Bianca Spender (Markezic Oct 2008, 96).  
Image from Shop Til You Drop December 2008, page 106
Reference List:
  • Feldon, L. 2000. Does This Make Me Look Fat?. Australia: Hodder Headline Group.
  • Markezic, E. 2008. Are your clothes ageing you?. Shop Til You Drop, October.
  • Markezic, E. 2008. Who decides what's in, anyway?. Shop Til You Drop, December.

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